1. Expertise and information about the real estate market such as current market conditions. property valuation trend in investment Including laws related to trading.
2. Time-saving and convenience: Helps provide advice on purchasing a property that meets your needs, including reducing time in various related processes such as property inspections and negotiation.
3. Confidence and Safety: Using the services of a reputable and expert real estate broker will increase your confidence and confidence in the process. and introducing a safe and cost-effective trading process.
4. Network and Negotiate: Real estate agents with expert knowledge Have a wide network and the ability to negotiate will help provide the best trading conditions for you.
5. Real estate management: helps analyze investment possibilities and plan strategies for buying, selling, and developing real estate including property management such as finding tenants, checking conditions repair management and property maintenance.
We are real estate brokers with expertise ready to serve both buying and selling, renting houses, land, and condos in Pattaya.
If you are interested in using the service you can contact us through various channels.
Line: https://lin.ee/8wxdojc
Call: +66 82 471 2893
Website: www.pattaya-living.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@PattayaLivingRealEstate
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pattayalivingrealestate